
I began to attend every group I could find, morning, noon and after work hours. I even found a couple of groups that met on Saturdays.

One of the major benefits of getting out in the business community to network was I began to develop new skills. I found I truly enjoyed being around other professionals and related with the entrepreneurial plight. I learned about each and every industry and became engrossed in the business community within a 15 mile radius of the office.

Most of the people I met didn’t travel, but almost everyone of them knew someone who did. They were all very generous in sharing their contacts and were amazingly helpful.

I loved that I began to know who to introduce to how. It was instinctive for me. I knew the telecommunications guy would benefit from knowing the commercial mover, computer firm, banker and CPA. I told the graphic artist to introduce herself to every printer she could meet and I was able to personally introduce her to at least ten.

It was the beginning of an illustrious twenty years of connecting others and learning what entrepreneurs need to be successful.